Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever.
Psalm 23:6 (ESV)
Ooi Ta Chiew, Gordon
Age: 86
Was called home to be with the Lord on 2 January 2018,
leaving behind loved ones:
Wife: Lim Siew Kiat, Felicia
Ooi Peng Jin, London Lucien
Ooi Peng Joo, Jason (deceased)
Ooi Peng Jit, Eugene
Kathy Pak
Goh Siew Gek, Dolly
Tan Pei Ling
Ooi Quan Chen, Joshua
Ooi Quan Hui, Daniel
Ooi Quan Rong, Samuel
Ooi Tyan, Faith
Ooi Tjin, Chloe
Wake is held at 3 Siglap Valley, Singapore 455811
Night service will be held from 3-5 January 2018 (Wed to Fri) at 8.00pm
Funeral Service on 6th January 2018 (Saturday) at 9.00am.
Cortege will leave at 9.45am for Mandai Crematorium Hall 2
for cremation at 10.20am.
Updated as of 8pm, 3 January 2018.