Feel free to call AMAZING GRACE® at +65 6777 2422 to allow us to guide you through the steps. You may also call us anytime earlier to make pre-arrangements.

We can help you in your time of distress if your loved one passes away overseas and needs to be repatriated back to their home country. We provide complete end-to-end service for both inbound and outbound repatriation services in accordance with the International Air Transport Association (IATA) standards. Our team will simplify the process for you by taking care of all permits and documents required to bring your loved one home (see detailed procedures below). Call us at anytime for assistance.
Obtain Death Certificate
Register death with relevant local Embassy or High Commission
Repatriation requires the help of the local Embassy or Consulate to return the remains, obtain appropriate documentation and inquire about Singapore exit requirements
A relative or formally appointed representative must engage a funeral director in the home country to receive the remains and provide all subsequent arrangements and services
If the deceased had insurance cover, contact insurance company to make arrangements for payment of repatriation costs
If the deceased had no insurance cover, his or her family will need to pay for the repatriation costs
Documents required for application of casket export permit:
1. Death Certificate
2. Embalming Certificate where applicable
3. Sealing (of the coffin/casket) Certificate from the funeral director
Deceased’s passport must travel with the body
*Adapted from https://www.angloinfo.com/how-to/singapore/healthcare/death-dying/repatriation
Obtain Death Certificate from the country where death has occurred
Register death with Singapore Embassy where repatriation documents will be issued
A Consignor (usually a funeral home in the country where death has occurred) will assist in the repatriation arrangements
AMAZING GRACE® can be appointed the Consignee in Singapore to receive the remains and to provide all subsequent arrangements and services
A) Apply for a Coffin/Casket (Import) permit from the following offices:
Port Health Office
[Address] 4545 Jalan Bukit Merah, Singapore 159466
[Tel] 6222 2585
[Fax] 6222 8543
Airport Health Office
[Address] Singapore Changi Airport
[Tel] 6543 2515
[Fax] 6543 1973
--- Documents required for application of Coffin/Casket Permit:
1. Death Certificate issued by the country where death occurred (copy of English translation is required if in ethnic language)
2. Cause of Death Certificate or a Statutory Declaration
3. Sealing Certificate for the coffin/casket
4. Embalming Certificate, where applicable
5. Coffin/Casket Export Permit from the country where death has occurred
6. Air Waybill (Air Consignment Note) if exporting by air
7. Letter of Authorization from the next-of-kin is required if the application is made by a funeral director
--- The Coffin/Casket Permit costs $10. The Permit to Bury/Cremate will be issued with the Coffin Permit at no extra charge.
Note: To import the body of an HIV-infected Singapore Citizen, prior written approval has to be obtained from the National Environment Agency, Environmental Health Department
B) Register the death at Singapore's Registry of Births & Deaths, Citizen Centre, 3rd Storey, ICA Building. This needs to be done personally by the deceased’s next-of-kin or if not possible, a letter of authorization will be required​.
--- Documents required:
1. Death Certificate issued by the country where death occurred (copy of English translation is required if in ethnic language)
2. Coffin/Casket (Import/Export) permit
3. Permit to Bury/Cremate
4. Deceased's Singapore identity card, passport, Citizenship Certificate (if any)
5. Informant's identification documents
A) For Cremation:​
--- A Coffin/Casket (Import) Permit is required to import a body into Singapore
--- A Permit to Cremate will also be issued together with the Coffin/Casket (Import) Permit. A letter of authorization from the next-of-kin is required If the application is made by a funeral director.
--- Foreigners cremated in Singapore will have to purchase niches at a private columbarium as they are not entitled to purchase niches in government-operated columbariums
B) For Burial:​​
--- Foreigners are allowed to be imported into Singapore for burial only if the immediate next-of-kin is a Singapore Citizen or Permanent Resident. The National Environment Agency does not approve the import of foreigners to Singapore for burial due to the limited size of its burial grounds.
--- A Coffin/Casket (Import) permit is required to import a body into Singapore
--- A Permit to Bury will be issued together with the Coffin/Casket (Import) Permit. A letter of authorization from the next-of-kin is required if the application is made by a funeral director.
*Adapted from https://www.nea.gov.sg/our-services/after-death/post-death-matters/when-death-occurs/overseas